What after SLC? Plus Two program (Intermediate) | CTEVT | A-level studies | IB

What after SLC? Insight of various options open for students who appeared / completed SLC examinations. The most common choices and options are : Plus Two program (Intermediate Level) | CTEVT | A-level studies | International Baccalaureate (IB)

Statistics show that every year almost 5 lakh to 6 lakh students appear School Leaving Certificate examination (SLC), with complete vigor but come out equally confused after completing the same. Immediately after completion of the exams some students accomplish their long love for travel where as some immediately get engaged in bridge course and some opt out from both and concentrate completely in their future studies.

After appearing the IRON GATE in school life, after the tight schedule of reading till late nights after all the busyness we get a gap.A gap to shorten the distance between the school life and the real competitive world that exists. Many people get into dilemma about how to utilize this time for productive and progressive works as well as what to route to choose to attain the aimed achievement.

Everyone has got a definite goal they want to achieve be it career goals or any other skills that they want to gain.this is a very much fruitful time to get started in. One needs to know by heart what S/he wants to see themselves as in the coming few years.

The educational system of Nepal officially offers some immediate courses of educational sector. They are:

  1. Ten plus two program (Intermediate)
  2. CTEVT
  3. A-level studies
  4. IB

Coming down to the bottom line there are only handful of option one student can do after finishing their slc examinations and the options are +2 programme, A level programme, IB programme, Agriculture and Nursing. Let us highlight each programme in detail.

what after slc in nepal+2 or High School

Among the aforementioned programmes the widely practiced one is the ten plus two programme conducted by the Higher secondary Education Board. it is a two years programme. It is a strong curriculum and allows to choose students to study choosing among the faculties that it offers. It includes Science, Commerce, and Humanities. All these educational faculties of the predetermined set of subjects syllables by the course designers who are non other than the scholars of Nepal indeed. Science includes study of major subjects like physics,mathematics, biology, chemistry whereas Commerce includes account, economics, finance, hotel management,marketing etc and the Humanities studies includes major subjects like linguistics,english,rural studies etc. This curriculum offers a set of some related subjects in a single faculty.

 +2 is the most favorite, common and easily accessible programme amongst all available after SLC. The reason why +2 has become the heart-throb of slc student is also for the reason that it is easily available, widely accepted and above all it is very economical. +2 has also been a good choice for the students of slc because it addresses students interested in the faculty of Science, Management and Humanities; to be more precise it is a 1 stop solution. For more information please check out +2 section from our web page.

Year Grade Appeared Passed Passed % Grade Appeared Passed Pass %
2064 XI 1,48,806 61,394 41.26% XII 100065 56,015 55.98%
2065 XI 2,05,141 83,619 40.80% XII 133846 65,660 49.06%
2066 XI 2,50,481 1,03,045 41.14% XII 187585 88,002 46.91%
2067 XI 2,98,063 1,17,273 39.35% XII 227047 100927 44.45%
2068 XI 3,04,030 1,15,968 38.14% XII 262526 125525 47.81%
2069 XI 2,85,468 1,14,019 39.94% XII 261754 110966 42.39%
2070 XI 2,63,220 1,04,969 40 % XII 242,324
2071 XI XII

A Levels

A level is another high school programme available to the slc pass out students of Nepal. The programme is brought to the students by the University of Cambridge, International exams, in joint collaboration of British Council. The first year of A level is known as AS which is equivalent to grade 11 in +2 and the second year is known as A2 and is equivalent to grade 12.

The A levels may not be widely available as +2 but has more credibility and is widely accepted all over the world, as it is backed up by Cambridge university in the UK.

There are around only 30 A level colleges in Nepal which means the programme is not available for everyone and on top it is one of the most expensive high school programme in Nepal which further means that it is only for certain category of students. A level is a special high school course which provides liberty to students in selecting the subjects but equally demands rigorous work and studies from the students. A level also offers different faculties alike +2.

A-level studies is the new course enrolled in Nepal which is gaining popularity these days. It is an internationally renowned course known in 160 countries of the world. It is a study programme designed and conducted by Cambridge University and is also affiliated to the Cambridge University, UK. A-level studies is considered to be a more advanced course than plus two and the learning is very practical too.The reason behind its gaining popularity is that in A-level studies students don’t really need to go through the courses that they don’t want to study,this implies the student can be able to study inter disciplinary subjects like mathematics along with biology and even economics or take one subject from every faculty like  chemistry from science and sociology from Humanities and Business studies from Commerce.

New subjects as well like Tourism, Psychology, Geography , environmental management has also been introduced in A-level studies.

The course is of two years where examinations are held twice a year during May and October. Students studying A-level get the provisions to appear the examination at the end of two years session at once,at the end of the year,or at he end of A-levels.There are even provisions if they are not satisfied with their marks from the examinations in for eg. in may they can reappear the examinations in october as a result they get second chances to get even better grades.

Likewise if the subjects they previously choose are not preferred by them in present they can prevent the subject from being read the whole two years.And the if the subjects from any field can longer be preferred by the student,they are not obliged to continue it in the second year too ie they can omit the subject and complete the study just with the other remaining two also. This course has been popular because it tests one’s real abilities to grasp the subject matter. The grading system includes As,Bs,Cs,Ds,Es and Us (for ungraded paper) and from 2010 they have started A*s for better than As paper.

International Baccalaureate

International Baccalaureate is by far the most expensive, rigorous and widely accepted high school diplomas available in Nepal. The programme is new to Nepalese students and is available only at one school, in Kathmandu, at Khumaltar. IB in Nepal preserves all international standards that any other baccalaureate school in the world does. IB is a Switzerland board based high school diploma which inculcates holistic development in their students. The exams are designed, administered and benchmarked by the officials of IB, Switzerland.

The IB (International Baccalaureate) is a curriculum that is taken to be more student friendly by the students. IB seems more appealing because the subjects and the way it is taught is more practical. This course programme solely does not focus on one particular field and is as well-known well outside of Nepal too. The curriculum of IB is not focused on one type of board  and hence is known as global curriculum. The Ib course designing is formed of at least one subject by choice from six different fields. The subject ranges from fields like language and science to business, management to Anthropology and arts. Along with the individual choice in subjects the students need to fulfill the core requirements too.

The core requirement includes Theory Of Knowledge (TOK). In the TOK, students are expected to do free research on the one subject matter and study the details in depth.

The next core requirement is the extended essay which includes the 4000 words long essay writing about the subject matter they have studied and it needs to highlight the gist of their research and it’s critical reflection. This essay needs to be written within a gap of one or two years.

The third requirement is Creativity, Action and Service where students take environment out of classroom walls as their learning platform to gain knowledge as well as handle real life tasks.

The students need to appear the IB examinations at the end of two years in which they need to gain 24 out of 42 ie of 7 for each subject. 30% marks are provided by teachers and 70% are gained from the written examinations.  International Baccalaureate is a course which has now been recognized internationally. It’s a mixed course and is only provided in Nepal at Ullens. Most of the students that opt for this Diploma programme go to abroad universities for undergraduate studies. Many colleges abroad prefer IB students because the IB course is a great model of what you do at college as well.

The next one is the CTEVT programme. This programme includes a wide range of subjects aimed with creating manpower with skills ie. practical knowledge. The IB programme focuses on doing this practically rather than just theoretical knowledge. This programme offers courses that may be two years or three years depending upon the type of course. This programme is aimed with providing easy placements.

Nursing, Health assistants and Lab assistants

If you are aiming your career in assisting the medical world, you may not have to wait any further after your SLC examinations. Gone are the days when your career would shape up only after receiving a formal high school education. In the modern day, you can directly jump into your core career path even after diploma level. For many years Institute of Medicine (IOM), and CTEVT have been addressing the need of the SLC pass out student who are willing to pursue their career as nurses, health assistants, lab assistants and in the field of Agriculture. This is an ideal career path for students who are committed and willing to join the workforce without having to wait for ages in doing so. Click here to find out more about Nursing, health assistants and lab assistants in detail.


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  1. i need help . i am unknown about the requriments to study pure science in +2 as i am not a opt math student and i wanna humbly request to someone to make me clear about it cause i have given my slc exam in another optional subject . so,please someone notify me and make me clear .