StudentsNepal Team’s message and response to the top 8 Suggestions we got over the period of 4 months:
1. Make an App
About 8 out of 10 students/teachers who filled the form suggested to create a mobile app which will help studentsnepal to reach to more students and teachers.
However, the cost to create and maintain a mobile app for membership based website is a little high. We have no any plan to create mobile app at this stage as we are focused on creating more useful products and extending studentsnepal on the web.
Few of them are a brand-new Job Portal where students can browse jobs and apply directly through it, a NotesZone, eLearning platform and a bookshop. We are have some financial as well as human resource lacks to do as fast as we can.
2. Make the website more attractive
Again, about 4 out of 10 visitors complain about the looks and feel of website. And the interesting fact is NO SINGLE REPEATING member complains about this. We have chosen to keep the design as simple and minimal as possible and focus on content.
Our philosophy from the beginning of this project has been in creating value and we cared less about the outer layout. However, we respect the fact that some users don’t like the visuals of website. So, we will discuss with them further and try to make it more appealing and try to find out the areas where we are lacking.
3. Get active on social network
Currently we are focusing on organic google search, which will be a long term benefit for us and for the students searching solutions in the web. We are in a process of hiring a team member to look the social media. We have a Facebook page but could not update it often.
4. Provide Notes
We are collecting notes and let us tell you something, It is so tough to collect notes and convert them into digital format. We are focusing on Podcasts and Videos. We target that within 2073 we will launch a complete noteszone to help our valuable members and visitors.
5. Website is slow. Make it fast.
TRUE. The website load time is a bit slower. Currently we are hosting in Virtual server which is located in Singapore. We will be soon leasing own servers with much more capacity from India. This will for some time solve this problem too. With expansion we will need more investment and commitment on technical parts, well we are aware about that too.
6. Difficult to use this site
We will talk with you and make the website more user-friendly
7. Groups are not updated often; forums are also not being used much.
That’s partially your fault too.
8. Create an offline platform and Focus on out of web activities too
This is one of the feedback we are more happy to get from students. We are creating a student’s welfare group which will be purely nonpolitical and will be doing lots of activities by collaborating with different organizations, colleges and our registered members. Also, our own NGO will be focusing on student based activities and will be working on education sector.
Interaction is the key to learning. And we will try to increase the interaction between students, teachers and education professionals from various backgrounds to create an Idea and experience pool.
If you are also interested to be a core member of the team, you can leave your details here. We will contact you after we are done with the paper works and planning.
Also, Year 2074 will be the year we will aim to expose the talent from the students community to the wider audience. Trainers, private tutors, small business owners, EdTech startups, writers, motivation speakers can fill this form so that we can contact you and discuss how we can work together.
You should definitely move into mobile app now. Rest everything is fit and fine.