Masters of Nursing in Nepal (MN in Nepal)

Masters of Nursing (MN) in Nepal | Career after completing Masters of Nursing | Future prospects of Nurses | Colleges that conduct Masters of Nursing in Nepal | Total Fee | Requirements for Masters of Nursing

Master’s in Nursing (MN) is a very good career options to grab the high opportunities in nursing field. Master’s in nursing is a high profile degree which is the advance form of nursing study. After Bachelors of Nursing (BN) students are graduate to find job and to start their working career while after joining master level, the caring service and way of handling patient as well serious case in behalf of doctor is easy and is legal. Master’s degree in nursing can lead the excellent career as a nurse.

A Master’s in nursing program is a advanced level of nursing study which will equip nurses with the skill of advanced training needed to nurses to provide or to give high-quality of nursing care in a very specialized manner as a nurse practitioner. Studying in a master’s level will make nurses qualified to deliver many of the same health care services or curing way that physicians are qualified to do, which is very important in the current date’s health care sector. Physicians or doctors may packed their time schedules or they may cost too much for some patients where master level nurses may be the great alternative to care the patient’s case.

masters-of-nursing-nepal-snblogProficiency Certificate Level (PCL) nursing is the starting point of nursing career. PCL nursing study makes a nurse full of basic knowledge and skill, competent and self-reliant who cares individual i.e patients, groups and community by using the principles and skill of primary health care. PCL nursing after graduation joins BN (Bachelor’s in Nursing) program because they are not given the provision to study B.Sc Nursing. BN is the level of starting of a bit advance study of nursing. Nurses after BN starts to work at any hospital or health centre when they graduate bachelor’s level, they are called a bit more advance nurses in the field of nursing. But to start the career as a nursing teacher MN (Master’s in Nursing) degree will respectively work where with bachelor’s degree it is a bit difficult. Master’s in Nursing in Nepal produce such type of nurses who will be capable to handle the managerial post who can fill the vacant place of any hospital, medical or of any high level heath centres. Master degree graduate nurses can work as a researcher by conducting research studies in various field of nursing to uplift the level of nursing in Nepal. Master level graduates can work in many field of nursing as well as specially in three fields which are Women Health and Development, adult Nursing programs and Child Health Nursing; in these fields nurses with master degree are working superiorly to uplift the medical standers in Nepal working with any NGO or INGOs.

To study Master’s in Nursing, the candidates must have the bachelor’s degree of nursing qualification and should have done practical hours also. Only quaified and BN passed nurses are provided with MN program.
Courses under Master’s in Nursing program in 1st year are:
1. Nursing Theories & Models.
2. Epidemiology & Statistics.
3. Nursing Research.
4. Trends & Issues in Nursing
5. Advanced Nursing I (Theory) – Specialty

Women health and Development
Adult Nursing
Child Health Nursing
6. Advances Nursing I (Practical) –Specialty

Women Health and Development
Adult Nursing
Child Health Nursing
7. Educational science
8. Health Services Management

* Second Year
Specialty Courses
1. Advanced Nursing II–( Theory) – Specialty
2. Advanced Nursing II– (Practical) – Specialty
3. Advanced Nursing II– Pediatric Nursing (T & P)
4. Thesis Writing & Viva Voce
Admission Requirements
• Post-basic BN or Generic B. Sc Nursing
• At least 2 years of nursing experience following BN/B Sc Nursing
• Must qualify the entrance examination conducted by IOM


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