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SnHome Forums After plus 2 (+2) What is the difference between BBS and BBA


  • Kailash Joshi

    May 1, 2017 at 10:05 am

    BBS ma yeary xm hunxn, BBA ma half yearly (due to semester system)
    BBA comparatively expensive hunx
    BBA lai ali advance course maninx BBS vnda
    Job ko lagi apply grda pani BBS ra BBA vaye BBA lai bashi priority dinx as compare to BBS.

  • Anzuu Sharma

    May 8, 2017 at 5:38 am

    BBA is a 3 year undergraduated degree course in business administration
    BBS facilities the integeration of academic knowledge and practical work experience .
    bba basically aim is giving the knowledge in specify area but BBS in particular area of business

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