Importance of Educational Websites to the Students

Importance of Educational Websites to the Students and the status of e-learning in Nepal | Challenges |  Past, Present and Future |

There are many websites found on the internet. Some have got importance while some are aimed at just brainwashing of the people who view those websites. The “importance” is depicted when the contents of the thing come into a great use of a specific group of people. Therefore, there are many sites which are aimed for a certain group of people and then provide them with the information and regular updates they require.

Among the many targeted groups, the students and students related websites are also one. Those websites fall under the category of educational websites. Every these kind of websites are of use to some extent for the targeted groups even among the students. These websites keep the student group updated about so many things happening in the world of education. Those Websites bring the big world of education and the necessary information required for them in their utility screen. This is a great result of the globalization we call today.

Students are among those groups who always need to be updated with things happening in the world of education. There are times when the students feel totally frustrated and lost in the way to find better education provisions for them and this is where these educational websites leave a huge impact behind. There are several websites with several kinds of specialities. Some provide detailed knowledge about the study programs while some keep updating people with the latest educational news, whereas some have the provision to allow the students to say their queries and provide them with the required suggestions while some bring them nearer to their institutes of priority. These are in accordance with the convenience.

In Nepal also we can find different kinds of sites like these. These sites play major roles in the introduction and upgrading of the students to the educational programs conducted by several universities, colleges and schools of Nepal. The students can view about the subject they would like to study and also figure out if they could make it up to admissions into their chosen subjects as well as the scopes and further career options related to the studies. Not only this much, but the sites also keep updated with the scholarship schemes to them so that the necessary steps taken by the institutions got fulfilled and the targeted group gets benefited too. The students are provided with the opportunities to know about various colleges and compare their educational programs and choose the best among them, the best that perfectly suits their conditions, their interest and their priorities. Some sites like them include, Educatenepal,,, and several more. But the students need to which one keep themselves regularly updated and available for students.

Therefore, educational websites are of great importance to students. They keep the students updated, notified and provides information regarding so many educationally important things to students and help them to enhance their studies.


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  1. Shikshayalaya is also an educational website where one can find many information related to education like top +2 colleges, university e.t.c