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SnHome Forums Science How difficult is it to get selected in intrance exam of MBBS.


  • How difficult is it to get selected in intrance exam of MBBS.

    Posted by Pawan on September 8, 2015 at 2:41 am

    Hello, I have seen many students waiting 2-3 years to grab the full scholarships in different medical colleges. I am also biology student and my passion is to be a doctor. But my family cannot afford the fees so I must get scholarships if I have to study MBBS. I think it is too difficult to get success. There are so many students trying.
    What are the chances of making for scholrships in first attempt and how difficult it is. I am an average student.

    Aerial replied 5 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Aerial

    August 5, 2019 at 2:44 pm
    1. As we know that every sectors or programs have their own rules , scheme . In this sector , first u have to take entrance exam according to their published date. U have to score and be in top 100 rank range to study MBBS in any university like tribhuvan , Kathmandu university. But if u score 75-80 and more or little less then u have another u can apply for affiliate college like kmc, janaki medical college etc in payment as their rules. U can apply in below list to become  Dr. At any price”Tu ,Pu,Ku, Patan ,bpkish(dharan). So,study well and be prepared for it golden upcoming future.

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