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SnHome Forums Abroad Studies and Scholariships IELTS Vs TOEFL for Nepali students Reply To: IELTS Vs TOEFL for Nepali students

  • Bipin Lami

    May 22, 2016 at 9:57 am

    IELTS (International English Language Testing System) and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) both are two widely used English Language tests around the world. An English speaking country measures the English language ability of non-native speakers wishing to immigrate to those countries.It may include study options & working options as well.

    However there are some pros and cons in both of these language tests. The choice of IELTS or TOEFL depends upon the practicality of the language test system or the requirement any university, company or any other institution has set for the standard English.

    In case of University choices there are qualifications required for them and they have st criteria either they accept IELTS tests or TOEFL tests or both. So firstly to take IELTS tests or TOEFL tests it should be known about the University of your priority first.
    And it depends upon the country too where as UK doesn’t recognize TOEFL as a Secure English Test in case of visa applications. Whereas if visa is not required TOEFL goes well there.

    And in terms of the practicality of the IELTS or TOEFL as the Standard Language Test. IELTS seems somewhat more realistic than TOEFL in my opinion. (Let’s see how you take it to be.)

    Both the IELTS and TOEFL are split into 4 Sections: Writing, Listening, Speaking and Reading.

    TOEFL is usually 4 hours long test and IELTS is usually shorter at around 2 Hrs 45 minutes.

    TOEFL is a multiple choice only reading section whereas IELTS has a range of questions of the types including short answer,true/false, summary and then multiple choice questions. In real life speaking always the Multiple choice questions are not so much effective so IELTS seems to win here.

    Listening in TOEFL is based around situations relating to University Life only. Whereas IELTS listening section includes covering applying for something, an informational lecture, a conversation in an academic context and an academic lecture. IELTS seems to focus on many aspects rather than just the university lives.

    Speaking in TOEFL includes a 20 minute conversation with a computer which is recorded and later examined by an examiner. But in IELTS for few times computer is also required but the major speaking test is performed with a real examiner. So, after the immigration one doesn’t speak with computer a native speaker is whom we need to talk to.

    Writing in TOEFL is a two essay question exam typed in a computer but in IELTS the answers in comparison to the TOEFL are handwritten. This comparison seems to match but it depends whether u need to write things out in a computer always or just a laptop regardless both the forms of writing are good to practice.

    So I feel IELTS to be more real life based and it depends how you consider it to be.

    IELTS test fee is NPR 16,950 with effect from 1 April,2016 and the British Council offers IELTS tests in Kathmandu, Bhairawa, Biratnagar, Pokahara and Chitwan cities in Nepal.

    The dates always seem to be packed for the IELTS examinations. But one can regularly visit the different IELTS website at because the dates for next month are always opened a month earlier and for now the dates for the June intake are opened but the payment which needs to be done within 6 days from the date of registration or before the registration closure date (which is generally 12 days before the examinations date).

    And most importantly one needs to have a valid passport to register the IELTS and appear the examinations.
    For more details you can e-mail at
    Hope I could help.
    Thank you… Good luck for the Future…..  
