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  • Anjana Karki

    September 12, 2015 at 2:16 am

    BSW 303 Integrated Social Work Practice
    Course Objectives:

    Understanding and appreciating the holistic and integrated practice of social work and selective use of methods.
    Understanding the utilization of the tools of social analysis at micro and macro levels in relation to a specific target group facing a problem/issue.
    Develop ability to plan out concrete tasks in relation to the strategies of intervention identified.
    Develop the concept of values of justice and commitment to the development, welfare and empowerment of the marginal groups in Nepali society.
    Theoretical Part: (60 marks) (100hrs)

    Changing trends in social work practice: Indigenous practices in Nepal and induced models, welfare, development, radical practice for empowerment. (15hrs)
    Frame of reference for social work practice. (10hrs)
    Understanding systematic marginalization of vulnerable groups (sexism, racism, ethnocentrism, classism, casteism, ageism, etc.) (10hrs)
    Basic tools of analysis of different systems. (10hrs)
    Integrated social work practice-micro, mezzo, macro (20hrs)
    Perspectives for problem solving: different approaches existing in the field, efforts of government and voluntary groups/organizations-national/international (policies, legislation, international treaties, etc.) (12hrs)
    Concept of Crisis Intervention and management. (10hrs)
    Use of ‘Self’ in social work practice. (3hrs)
    Concept of designing social work intervention strategies. (10hrs)
    Practical part: (40 marks) (250hrs)

    One of the problem areas of work can be identified by the students to work on at the end of academic year. Besides the classroom input the students are required to do personal reading to prepare a Comprehensive seminar paper on the problem identified for work. This paper along with the bibliography/reference is presented towards the end of the semester in a seminar form.

    304 Social Welfare Administration Practice
    Course Objectives:

    Understanding welfare administration and policies at local, district, zonal and national level in Nepal.
    Recognizing the linkages between developmental issues and social policies, plans and programs.
    Understanding concept and the management of voluntary, welfare and development organization.
    Develop understanding of the administration process of an organization in the context of social work practice.
    Learning procedures in establishing and managing a social work organization.
    Acquire skills in administrative processes for the effective management of services.
    Develop appropriate attitudes to be part of the team in an organization.
    Theoretical Part: (60 marks)

    Social welfare administration: concept, evolution, philosophy, principles and values (10hrs)
    Nepal as a social welfare state; state and district administrative structures; ministry of social welfare, Social Welfare Council, role of NGOs and civil society in planned development of the nation (12 hrs)
    Agency administration: Constitution, by laws, registration of the agency (10hrs)
    Philosophy and ideology of social work organizations; sociological understanding of an organization. (12hrs)
    Organizational Management
    – ­Program management: needs assessment, program planning and developing proposal writing, organization, conflict and stress management, implementation and evaluation(20hrs)

    – Financial management: concept of accounting, budgeting, auditing (8hrs)

    – Human resource management: concept of staff policies, performance appraisal, recruitment, training, promotion, incentives, reward and punishment. (8hrs)

    Project Management Cycle (8hrs)
    Concepts of organization development and capacity building (12hrs)
    Practical Part: (40marks) (250hrs)

    The students will be placed in different Human Service Organizations for practical exposure. They are expected to give at least ten hours of fieldwork per week. The students are expected to identify and work with different practice systems. They are expected to practice the techniques of problem solving.

    305 Research Methods in Social Work

    Course Objectives:

    Develop ability to recognize and utilize research as a problem solving process in social work practice.
    Develop ability to carry out qualitative and quantitative research projects independently.
    Develop ability to function as an effective team member in designing, data collection and analysis of the research.
    Develop ability to critically analyse research reports and draw recommendations for practice.
    Theoretical Part: (60 marks) (100 hrs)

    Concept and practice of research in social sciences (10hrs)
    Social Work research-concept and characteristics (5 hrs)
    Similarities and differences with social science research (5hrs)
    Types of research: Barefoot research, Baseline survey, Participatory action research, Evaluation research, Anthropological/Ethnographic research, Feminist research, social emersion and culture shock (10hrs)
    Understanding the concepts of methodology, methods, tools and techniques in research practice (10hrs)
    Research perspectives and approaches: Diachronic, Synchronic approaches; Etic and Emic perspectives, overt and covert perspectives; phenomenal, ideational observation (3hrs)
    Qualitative and Quantitative in research social science (5hrs)
    Research Proposal and its components (2hrs)
    Research process – Identification of research problem, formulation of objectives, research design and conceptual, identification of variables, formation of hypothesis/research questions, sampling design, tools and methods of data collection, data collection (individual based, group based, observation based, document based), data processing, data analysis, report writing and presentation (30hrs)
    Use of simple statistical method in social research: measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, correlation, chi-square test. (20hrs)
    Practical Part: Research Project (40marks) (250hrs)

    The students are expected to carry independent research project in the areas of their interest under the close supervision of research guide and present at the end of the year.
